
Foundation Readings

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video transcript

Foundation Readings are priced at ÂŁ250 and include the 90min online meeting which is recorded together.



Hello, my name is Bambaji Haven Hale, thank you for visiting my website and for being interested enough in what I have to offer to press play on this video.

The foundation readings I offer usually take around 90mins and are given over zoom, unless there is a way of delivering it face to face, which is a truly valuable experience, if it’s possible. I have created a couple of videos which I send to you before your reading, these familiarise you with Human Design and with some of the elements which will be explored in your reading and give you an opportunity to absorb some basics which can make your reading feel less overwhelming.

I will explore with you your type, strategy and authority, profile, definition and channels, the shadows and gifts of your open and defined centres, incarnation cross – whatever we have time for really … my readings tend to be spontaneous, they are more relevant if they are led by you and your curiosity rather than any pre-set agenda of mine, there is no cut and paste pdf, instead I use the knowledge I have gained from my intense study of this system, and my varied and thorough training, both as an analyst and as a teacher.

Readings are priced at ÂŁ250 and include the 90min online meeting which is recorded of course, together with an easy to read pdf highlighting the key components of your chart, which is generic. I also include a follow-up meeting to take place a couple of weeks after your reading, giving you the opportunity to ask any questions or for clarification, which is especially useful for those with emotional definition, for Reflectors and for those with triple splits, or anyone who needs time to assimilate information.

If you would find it helpful to meet with me before booking any of my offerings, if you’re a 4th line profile or would like to see if I bridge your split perhaps, please get in touch and we can arrange a quick chat. I invite this because I have a 4th line profile and like to meet people before I work with them.

foundation readings


video transcript

Coaching calls are available at ÂŁ150 for a full hour. Shorter meetings can also be scheduled pro-rata. 

Hello, my name is Bambaji Haven Hale, thank you for dropping by and looking at my website and offerings, for pressing play on this short video where I can tell you a little about the Coaching calls that I offer.

Coaching calls are really helpful, whether you are a complete beginner with your newly received foundation reading in your pocket, or a more seasoned explorer.

Life happens, and having the opportunity to look at life events through the lens of Human Design, and through your unique bodygraph, with the assistance of someone who lives their design and is in committed continuous experimentation with the material, can be extremely helpful in providing context or a new perspective.

As a Projector and being a certified Human Design analyst and teacher with several years experience, I am well-placed to guide you through a coaching session.

It is important that you’ve had a Foundation Reading before any Coaching Sessions, and this is for me as much as you, I can support you better if I have an idea of who you are, it will ensure that we are speaking the same language and that you have an understanding of the basic terminology used when talking about a chart. The reading doesn’t have to have been from me, as long as you’ve had one, I would just need your birth data.

You don’t have to book a course of coaching calls, although this is possible of course, and especially useful if you’re going through a big life change, or if you’re just starting your experiment. One off calls are highly recommended if you just want to explore a conundrum that life has thrown at you, or if an element of your design has you confused or if you’re working through a specific issue.

I charge ÂŁ150 per full hour, shorter meetings can also be scheduled pro-rata. A discount can be discussed for blocks of 5 or more that are paid for in advance.

If you would find it helpful to meet with me before booking any of my offerings, if you’re a 4th line profile or would like to see if I bridge your split perhaps, please get in touch and we can arrange a quick chat. I invite this because I have a 4th line profile and like to meet people before I work with them.

Thank you again for dropping by, I look forward to working with you.


Living your design

video transcript

If the LYD is of interest to you, there are 2 options available:

1. A personalised, 1-2-1, workshop spread over approximately 8hrs, priced at ÂŁ495. You will have my full attention!

2. If you prefer to learn with others in a more formal setting, I teach a 10 class course semi-often. Registration is currently open for the Spring Cohort.

I teach these courses fairly regularly, please sign up to my newsletter to receive updates on this and other courses and workshops that I’m planning.

Hello, my name is Bambaji haven hale, thank you for dropping by and looking at my website and offerings, for pressing play on this short video where I can tell you about the Living Your Design course that I teach.

“Living Your Design” is the first of the Foundation Courses of which there are 3 and are pre-requisites for professional training within the Human Design system. Regardless of whether you intend to follow a professional path or not, this course is truly a transformational journey, of tremendous benefit in deepening your understanding of your own design and your Strategy & Authority, and is especially recommended as a follow-up to a Foundation Reading.

We take a look at the 9 Centres and the 4 Types, and there’s an introduction to the different Authorities and Definitions, all essential information to have in order to read and understand your chart in a simple but accurate way. There is also an introduction to 'The Not Self', the shadow side of our design that causes so much dysfunction in our lives.

The LYD can assist you as you discover who you truly are as you begin to explore your conditioning and experiment, using your own life as your personal laboratory. It teaches the most important and foundational aspects of the system, and it can, quite literally, change your life – it did mine!

Human Design empowers us to live according to our own true nature, and to know what is correct for us, or not. With the information in this course, we can begin to navigate our path through life with greater ease and flow.

If the LYD is of interest to you, there are 2 options available:
1. A personalised, 1-2-1, workshop spread over approximately 8hrs, priced at ÂŁ495. You will have my full attention!
2. If you prefer to learn with others in a more formal setting, I teach a 10 class course with groups semi-regular.
I teach these courses fairly regularly, please sign up to my newsletter at the bottom of this page to receive updates on this and other courses and workshops that I’m planning.

As a Foundation Reading is a pre-requisite to taking an LYD, I offer a 10% discount on readings to my students.

If you would find it helpful to meet with me before booking any of my offerings, if you’re a 4th line profile or would like to see if I bridge your split perhaps, please get in touch and we can arrange a quick chat. I invite this because I have a 4th line profile and like to meet people before I work with them.

living your design


video transcript

This course will be exclusively offered
Summer 2024 on 
Human Design Austria. 

Hello, my name is Bambaji haven hale, thank you for dropping by and looking at my website and offerings, for pressing play on this short video where I can tell you a little about the Rave ABC’s course that I offer.

This is the second of the three Foundation Courses, which takes us a little deeper into the basics of the information we find in a bodygraph, and also begins laying the groundwork for further study into the system.

The ABC’s cover the origins of Human Design and introduce the basic components of the System, showing how all the pieces from ancient and modern traditions fit together to form the bodygraph, arguably the most important element in the Human Design System.

We look at the two sides of the bodygraph, the Black and the Red, Personality and Design. We begin an exploration of Circuits and Circuitry and examine the Hexagram Structure, the qualities of the lines and the role gates.

There are 3 pre-requisites for this course:

1. A Foundation Reading

2. Living Your Design Course

3. Rave ABC Student Manual

I will offer this course through Human Design Austria.

If you would find it helpful to meet with me before booking any of my offerings, if you’re a 4th line profile or would like to see if I bridge your split perhaps, please get in touch and we can arrange a quick chat. I invite this because I have a 4th line profile and like to meet people before I work with them.


introduction to human design

video transcript

This 40min video is priced at ÂŁ39 and  makes up part of the package you receive when you book a Foundation Reading with me, and therefore the price of this presentation will be deducted from a subsequently booked reading.

Hello, my name is Bambaji haven hale, thank you for dropping by and looking at my website and offerings, for pressing play on this short video where I can tell you a little about my video “An Introduction to Human Design”.

This is a pre-recorded video which introduces the foundations of the System. In it I explain how the bodygraph is created from a synthesis of ancient and modern traditions. And I will walk you through the 6 basic elements that you will find on any bodygraph, elements that should form a part of any Foundation Reading.

Human Design terminology can seem confusing, making it appear "special" and "exclusive" and full of jargon, when the information itself is actually very accessible.

My intention with this video is to empower you by explaining the basics of the System in language that is clear and, mostly, jargon-free. It’s important to have an understanding of this basic information in order to get the most out of Human Design in general, and your own reading and experiment in particular.

This 40min video makes up part of the package you receive when you book a Foundation Reading with me, and therefore the price of this presentation will be deducted from a subsequently booked reading.


introduction to human design

rave cosmology

video transcript

Would you like to register your interest? Please sign up below to add your details to a mailing list. You will be informed of workshops as they are scheduled!

Hello, my name is Bambaji haven hale, thank you for dropping by and looking at my website and offerings, for pressing play on this short video where I can tell you a little about my video “An Introduction to Human Design”.

The Rave Cosmology material is the esoteric, mystical side of Human Design.

Where type, definition, authority, profile and so on can be experienced over time through experimentation, and can thus be proven to be authentic, the Rave Cosmology material is what Ra called the Grey Material. There is no proof of its truth.

This in no way detracts from its attraction, from the fascination that comes when you begin to explore the knowledge contained in the 7 modules that make up the body of work.

The material explores our origins and our destiny, it speaks to our current experience, this time of transition and change which we are living through, it gives us a context and can reframe our perspective.

From time to time I offer a workshop on one or more aspects of Rave Cosmology; maybe the 2027 material and the changes that are coming, perhaps a look at the Rave children, who they are and how we may experience them, the mystical way and its teachings and the importance of acknowledging the death process.

Would you like to register your interest? I can then inform you of workshops as they are scheduled, and invite you to come along. Please click on the link below this video and your details will be put on my mailing list.

rave cosmology